128 STD Symptoms in Men: For Teens - STDs Health Library

For Teens: STD Symptoms in MenPara los adolescentes: s­ntomas de las enfermedades de transmisi³n sexual en los hombres

For Teens: STD Symptoms in Men

Male sex organs are mostly outside the body (the genitals). This makes signs of certain STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) easier to spot. But STDs can also spread inside the body and damage the organs that allow you to father a child. This damage can sometimes cause sterility-meaning you won't be able to have kids! So pay attention to your body. Learn what's normal for you, and have any symptoms checked out.

STD Symptoms

In men, symptoms of an STD are often outside the body. But problems can happen inside, too. Common symptoms may include:

  • Discharge (fluid) or a drip from the penis or rectum. This can be yellow, white, green, or clear.

  • Burning or pain during urination.

  • Sores or blisters on or around the mouth, genitals, or rectum.

  • Lumps or bumps on the genitals.

  • Itching on or around the genitals.

  • Pain in the genitals or rectum.

  • Keep in mind: You may not have any symptoms. So get checked if you're at risk of STDs.

Male genitals

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